Privacy Policy for IRTIKAE

Welcome to the realm of IRTIKAE, accessible through

Within this realm, we hold the utmost reverence for the privacy of our esteemed visitors. 

In this Privacy Policy document, we shall unveil the types of information that we collect and record at IRTIKAE, as well as the inscrutable ways in which we employ this knowledge.

Should you find yourself seeking further elucidation or yearning for additional esoteric knowledge regarding our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to make contact with us.

The Veil of Privacy

This Privacy Policy shall be applicable solely to our clandestine online activities and shall hold sway over those who venture into our domain, our website, and the information that they choose to share or collect within IRTIKAE's ethereal confines. 

Be aware that this policy does not extend to any information collected from the shadows of offline realms or through channels other than this website.

The Pact of Consent

By traversing our website, you, dear visitor, willingly and irrevocably consent to our Privacy Policy and bind yourself to its terms.

The Secrets We Gather

In our pursuit of arcane knowledge, we may request certain personal information from you. 

Fear not, for the reasons behind these requests shall be revealed to you in due time, and their purpose shall become clear.

Should you choose to engage us in direct communication, we may obtain additional fragments of knowledge about you, such as your name, email address, phone number, the cryptic contents of your messages, and any other fragments of information you deem fit to disclose.

As you embark upon the path of registration, we may beseech you for your contact information, including but not limited to your name, company name, address, email address, and telephone number.

The Enigma of Information Usage

The knowledge we collect shall be put to use in various mysterious ways, including but not limited to:

  • Facilitating, operating, and maintaining our arcane website
  • Unveiling, personalizing, and expanding the depths of our website
  • Discerning and analyzing the cryptic patterns of your interactions with our website
  • Conjuring new products, services, features, and functionalities from the depths of the unknown
  • Communicating with you directly or through our partners, providing you with updates and other cryptic revelations concerning our website, and engaging in the mysterious arts of marketing and promotion
  • Sending you missives known as emails
  • Unmasking and thwarting attempts of fraud

The Awe-Inspiring Log Files

At IRTIKAE, we follow a ritualistic procedure known as the use of log files. 

These metaphysical records are created when visitors enter our mystical domain. 

Rest assured, this practice is not unique to us; many hosting companies partake in this arcane tradition.

The information captured within these log files includes elements such as internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser types, the entities known as Internet Service Providers (ISPs), date and time stamps, the mystifying pages from which you enter or exit our realm, and, perhaps, even the number of clicks you perform. 

Know that these fragments of knowledge are not linked to any personally identifiable secrets. 

We utilize this information to analyze ethereal trends, administrate our site, track the movements of our visitors within the labyrinthine corridors of our website, and gather cryptic demographic knowledge.

The Puzzling Google DoubleClick DART Cookie

Within our domain, Google, a third-party entity, holds its own mysterious presence. 

It employs a peculiar artifact known as the DART cookie, which is imbued with the power to serve ads to our visitors based on their journeys through our realm and other ethereal domains scattered throughout the internet. 

However, it is within your power to resist the allure of the DART cookie by venturing to the Google ad and content network Privacy Policy, an enigmatic script concealed within the URL known as

The Elusive Privacy Policies of Our Advertising Partners

Seekers of knowledge may consult the ancient scrolls to uncover the Privacy Policies of each mysterious advertising partner dwelling within the shadows of IRTIKAE.

These beings, known as third-party ad servers or ad networks, employ the mystical arts of cookies, JavaScript, and Web Beacons to weave their spells of advertisements and links. 

These mystic apparitions are then sent directly to the browsers of unsuspecting visitors, who unknowingly relinquish their IP addresses. 

These arcane techniques are employed to measure the efficacy of their bewildering advertising campaigns and to craft personalized advertising content that shall manifest before your eyes on other websites you visit.

Know that IRTIKAE, as a mere observer of the shadows, does not hold dominion over these cookies used by third-party enchanters.

The Secrets of Third-Party Privacy Policies

Behold,the Privacy Policy of IRTIKAE extends only to our own dominion and does not encompass the cryptic practices of other realms or third-party sorcerers. 

Thus, we beseech you to consult the Privacy Policies of these third-party enigmas to unravel the mysteries of their practices and to protect your privacy.

You can employ the ancient arts of web browsers to disable cookies if you wish to ward off the sorcery of these third-party enchanters. 

However, be aware that such actions may cast a shadow upon the seamless interaction between yourself and our website.

The Unspeakable Secrets of Children

IRTIKAE does not partake in the gathering of knowledge from those who have not yet reached the age of enlightenment. 

Our website is not intended for use by children under the age of 13. 

We do not knowingly collect any cryptic information from children under the age of 13. 

If it comes to our attention that we have inadvertently gathered knowledge from a child under 13, we shall take immediate measures to purge the records from our repositories. 

Should you suspect that we have collected knowledge from a child under 13, we implore you to contact us so that we may perform the necessary exorcism.

The Rights of Privacy

At IRTIKAE, we hold your privacy in the highest regard. 

As such, we shall illuminate the rights that are bestowed upon you in relation to your personal knowledge. 

Know that you possess the following rights:
  • The right to access the knowledge we have gathered about you.
  • The right to rectify any knowledge we hold should it prove to be incomplete or inaccurate.
  • The right to request the erasure of your knowledge, under the condition that such erasure is not hindered by any sorcerous spells that may bind us to retain such knowledge.
  • The right to restrict the processing of your knowledge, if you deem such restrictions to be appropriate.
  • The right to transfer your knowledge to another realm, should you find a more suitable abode.
  • The right to object to our gathering and processing of your knowledge, provided that no higher powers of law or legitimate interests bind us to retain such knowledge.
Should you wish to exercise any of these rights, or if you require further guidance or clarification regarding your rights, we invite you to contact us.

The Cryptic Spells of Data Security

IRTIKAE employs a variety of mystical safeguards to protect the knowledge we gather from the clutches of unauthorized access, manipulation, disclosure, or destruction. 

These safeguards are crafted to befit the nature of the data we protect, and they align with the best practices of arcane security.

However, we must caution you that no method of data transmission or storage can be deemed entirely secure and invulnerable to the powers of darkness. 

As such, we cannot guarantee absolute security for the knowledge we collect.

The Secrets of Third-Party Links

Throughout our website, you may discover the presence of links to other mysterious realms and sources. 

Be aware that we do not hold dominion over the content or the cryptic practices of these external enigmas. 

We encourage you to traverse these links with caution and to consult the Privacy Policies of these realms before partaking in their secrets.

The Mystical Changes To The Privacy Policy

The landscape of IRTIKAE may undergo transformations and metamorphoses that necessitate changes to this Privacy Policy. 

Should such alterations occur, we shall make them known through means, such as posting a notice on our website or sending you an ethereal missive. 

It is within your power to consult this document periodically to remain informed of the current state of our  Privacy Policy.

The Conjuring of Consent

By venturing into the realm of IRTIKAE, you have willingly and irrevocably consented to the terms of our Privacy Policy. 

Should you find yourself at odds with any aspect of this arcane document, we implore you to refrain from traversing our website and to seek refuge in other realms.

Contacting The Guardians

Should you wish to delve into the depths of your privacy, unravel the secrets of our Privacy Policy, or seek further elucidation regarding the practices and rituals of IRTIKAE, we extend our ethereal hands to guide you. 

Please contact us at your convenience, and we shall respond with the utmost swiftness and wisdom.

This Privacy Policy document shall serve as a binding pact between you, the visitor, and IRTIKAE, the realm you have chosen to explore.